Monday, March 29, 2010

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Monday, May 22, 2006

helvetica stop animation

helvetica stop animation
Originally uploaded by cellar8.
Taken with that little iSight cam built into the new Macbooks. For some reason, it makes everyone, myself included, turn 12 years old again. That photo booth app does it for sure.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Small's Show December

I want to thank ryan for giving us a great write-up and coming out to our smalls show on dec 22. check out his blog. it's definitely one to subscribe to. check it out

Monday, December 12, 2005

The Girl With the Pink Hair

Originally uploaded by cellar8.
Finished shooting a video this weekend - thanks to the peeps @ thought collide. courtney flower (who played 'the girl with the pink hair') did an awesome job performing - thx everyone who made this happen - all in one day !

Monday, November 21, 2005

helvet1ca @ the New Dodge

mark your calendars - we're playing @ the New Dodge on Saturday, December 3. hope to see you there.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Helvetica @ the Painted Lady

Come join us @ the Painted Lady on Friday, Nov 4th with Pilot to Co-Pilot and So to Speak. Show starts around 10pm and we'll be playing around midnight. booyakasha

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

august is a great time for recording

we've got a lot of stuff we want to get recorded - so we're going to get into the studio and put our stuff on 2 inch tape, courtesy of ceecil productions - sofar it's - sister80, boulevard, avenue a, project, hastings. a couple are on the mix tape on a previous blog entry.:) check em out, let us know if there are some other faves